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Jeffrey P. Hughes
Vice Chairman

Jeff Hughes helped found The Cypress Group in 1994, after 26 years at Lehman Brothers as a senior investment banker and merchant banker. Following a career shift from corporate securities law, Mr. Hughes joined Lehman Brothers in 1968 and became a partner in 1976. He started Lehman Brothers' private financing department and led early LBO financings; had senior investment banking coverage responsibilities for industrial, energy and consumer product companies; was co-head of the financial institutions group; and was a member of Lehman Brothers' investment committee. Mr. Hughes has been a director of many public and private companies during his 35-year business career. He graduated from Wesleyan University and Duke University Law School, where he is a member of the Board and Chairman of the Planning and Capital Campaign Committees.

  • E-mail Address: jhughes@cypressgp.com

  • Telephone: (212) 705-0152